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Law Enforcement Records Management

NCJ Number
Date Published
324 pages
This manual provides up-to-date information on technologies and procedures for managing the police records unit.
The manual describes a basic, systematic structure for meeting the control, maintenance, information, and security requirements of local law enforcement agencies in California. The basic system described is flexible enough to meet most requirements and promote uniformity in records systems and management practices. The manual is organized to be used daily by records personnel at all levels. The step-by-step, how-to format is designed to provide a handy reference and contribute to an efficient and effective records system. The manual is divided into eight sections: the primary reporting system, secondary files and processes, information release and security, statistical processes, record retention and destruction, forms control, system audit procedures, and the automated decisionmaking process. Each of these sections contains both a theoretical overview and practical procedures. Flowcharts and visual aids graphically depict relationships and processes. Appended model directives, legal references, a resource guide, and a glossary