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Law and the Status of the Child

NCJ Number
Columbia Human Rights Law Review Volume: 13 Issue: 1 and 2 Dated: (1981-1982) Pages: complete issues
M H Adler
Date Published
793 pages
This work presents a comparative study of children's legislation around the world, focusing on the rights of the child in 13 countries.
Separate papers deal with children's legal status in Australia, the People's Republic of China, Colombia, People's Republic of the Congo, and Cuba. Discussions of legislation also cover Czechoslovakia, Egypt, Greece, Israel, Kenya, Norway, England, and the United States. Papers present general background information on children's rights in the particular country and discuss laws relating to age of civil majority, criminal responsibility, military service, and marriage. They also describe laws concerned with nondiscrimination; name, nationality, and registration; family relations; and protection of health. Included are the right to education, protection of the child's welfare, judicial and administrative procedures, and property and economic rights. The papers define 'child' and discuss provisions against prostitution, child slavery, and child abuse. Procedures relating to the handling of juvenile delinquents are noted. Rights of adopted children and of alien children are described, as well as the rights of handicapped children. Each paper contains numerous footnotes. The United Nations Declaration of the Rights of the Child and the classification plan for laws affecting the rights of the child precede the individual articles.