NCJ Number
Date Published
43 pages
Data were obtained in June 1969 on the Title I planning process developed by States and on action programs funded by the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) under State plans in response to the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968.
It was found that, despite a full year of operation under the act, many State programs had not gotten off the ground. In many cases, the planning process was a paper exercise and was not related to the actual distribution of action funds. Planning funds were not reaching local governments, but were going to regional entities which had no operational responsibilities in most cases. State agencies were dominated by officials of criminal justice agencies and representatives of general units of State and local government. There was little or no representation from citizen and community interests, as stated in LEAA guidelines, or from social service agencies with rehabilitative resources. When there was minority representation, it did not adequately reflect inner city interests. Almost all of the 1969 action money went for police expenditures, usually communications equipment and other hardware, while only negligible attention was paid to such areas as corrections, juvenile treatment, narcotics control, and court reform. As of March 1970, only $1,109,776 had been committed to corrections in 12 States surveyed, while $11,563,738 went for police projects. It was determined that LEAA funding should be held at its present level or restricted until measures are taken to ensure that planning and action funds are used effectively. Recommendations for improving the Title I program are offered, and a State-by-State breakdown of LEAA action funds is presented.