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Latinos in Prison - An Urgent Plea (From Contemporary Issues in Corrections, P 23-36, 1981, Sloan Letman et al, ed. - See NCJ-85519)

NCJ Number
A Castro
Date Published
14 pages
An analysis of the problems faced by the growing numbers of Hispano Americans who are incarcerated in correctional facilities is accompanied by recommendations for dealing with these problems.
The rate of incarceration of Hispano Americans in New York is rising much faster than the rates for blacks or whites. By 1983, Hispano Americans may constitute one-third of the prisoners in New York. Hispano Americans represent a relatively new inmate group, particularly in States which have recently experienced significant migrations of Hispanics from other States or countries. Many of these migrants cannot speak English or have limited skills in reading and writing Spanish. Correctional planners have not allocated adequate resources to hire Spanish-speaking professionals or to tutor other staff members in conversational Spanish. Sentencing patterns have been discriminatory in that many Hispano Americans have been incarcerated rather than provided alternatives offered to local white defendants. Providing counseling and educational programs for non-English speaking inmates and hiring Spanish-speaking employees for facilities housing many Hispano Americans should be the two highest priorities for dealing with Hispano Americans' needs. Additional needs are more recreational activities in Spanish, more ethnic holidays, an end to language and ethnic discrimination, and provision of ethnic items in prison commissaries. Improved contacts with Hispano American businessmen and community leaders are also important to improve opportunities for discharged inmates.