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Latent Class/Profile Analysis in Maltreatment Research: A Commentary on Nooner et al., Pears et al., and Looking Beyond

NCJ Number
Child Abuse and Neglect Volume: 34 Issue: 3 Dated: March 2010 Pages: 155-160
Scott C. Roesch; Miguel Villodas; Feion Villodas
Date Published
March 2010
6 pages
This commentary provides a brief, user-friendly approach to conducting latent class analysis (LCA)/latent profile analysis (LPA) and its application to maltreatment research.
Latent class (LCA) and latent profile (LPA) analyses are person-centered statistical techniques. LCA/LPA are useful tools for describing individual differences in the response patterns of individuals on observed variables. Also, these techniques are easily implemented using statistical software packages. While the use of LCA/LPA has increased in recent years with child and adolescent samples, the application of this technique has been slower in maltreatment research. This commentary conceptually describes the goals of LCA/LPA, highlights decsionmaking rules and practical issues of primary importance when applying LCA/LPA, and identifies new applications of finite mixture models as they could potentially be applied in maltreatment research. References