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Labor-Management Relations Among Government Employees

NCJ Number
H Kershen
Date Published
216 pages
This text examines collective bargaining issues as they relate to municipal, State, and Federal employees and national legislation.
An overview examines public-sector collective bargaining, provides a model of the wage determination process and institutional factors affecting it, considers the role of legislatures in fund appropriation, and discusses public-sector job security and productivity. Employee unions, strike management, public pension plans, and the impact of compulsory arbitration on budgets are discussed as they relate to municipal labor/management relations. A section on State employees covers centralization versus decentralization of collective bargaining, multiemployer bargaining in Hawaii, attitudes toward Virginia's right-to-work law, and the effects of tax reforms (Propositions 13 and 2 and a half) on labor relations in California and Massachusetts. Also discussed are the Tennessee Valley Authority collective bargaining model, a study of why Federal Government employees join unions, and the impact of labor-management cooperation committees on personnel policies and practices at 20 Federal collective bargaining units. Finally, contract negotiation and administration in Federal-sector collective bargaining is discussed, and the probable impact of Federal bargaining legislation on State laws is assessed. Chapter references and discussion questions.