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Kinship Care in Australia

NCJ Number
Child Abuse Review Volume: 13 Issue: 4 Dated: July-August 2004 Pages: 263-276
Nigel Spence
David Gough, Nicky Stanley
Date Published
July 2004
14 pages
This paper reviews national data and reports findings from a State (New South Wales) study of the experience of kinship carers, children, and workers.
Kinship care is the fastest growing form of out-of-home care placement in Australia. It is a more common form of placement than foster care in some Australian States and is the most common form of placement for Indigenous children nationally. A research project conducted by the University of Western Sydney and the Association of Children’s Welfare Agencies (UWS/ACWA) in 2001-2002 was comprised of a review of Australian States’ legislation and departmental policy guidelines; a review of New South Wales (NSW) statistical data; and interviews with kinship carers, children in kinship care, and caseworkers. Qualitative interviews were conducted with 11 carers, 9 children ages 5-12 years, and 9 caseworkers. Three explanations emerged from the interviews for the use of kinship care: 1) the perceived psychological benefit that came from the familiarity between carers and children; 2) the strong sense of family obligation; and 3) the view that alternative forms of care were flawed and detrimental to children’s interests. Legislation and policy, particularly the Aboriginal Child Placement Principle, were also identified as factors contributing to the rise in kinship care. The paper discusses the low levels of monitoring of children’s safety and well-being and the concern for the high levels of stress among carers. A stronger policy and practice response from government agencies is proposed. References and 3 figures