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King County Department of Public Safety 1989 Annual Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
32 pages
This 1989 Annual Report of the King County Police (Washington State) includes crime data and information on various departmental activities.
A crime summary table presents 1988 and 1989 data on each Part I offense, indicating the number of each offense, percentage change from the previous year, number of cases cleared, and the percentage cleared. Aggregate statistics are provided for both Part I and Part II offenses. Summary data for police activity address both 1988 and 1989. Activities include responses by patrol, marine, traffic, and K-9 units; calls for service; adult arrests by King County Police; traffic enforcement; marine services/enforcement; criminal warrants; civil proceedings; and officers assaulted. Significant activities of 1989 are summarized for the Criminal Investigations Division, the Field Operation Division, and the Technical Service Division. A chart presents communication statistics, and data on commissioned officers present a breakdown of officers' ages and educational achievement. Volunteer contributions are summarized for the various precincts, and information is provided on various rescue units and activities