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Kids at School/Kids at Risk

NCJ Number
Police Chief Volume: 58 Issue: 5 Dated: (May 1991) Pages: 39-41
G J Okaty
Date Published
3 pages
Crime occurring in educational settings, ranging from elementary schools to universities, poses several dilemmas for law enforcement planners who often view campus problems as being in the purview of school administrators.
Two major issues that need to be confronted are the possible link between school truancy and daytime burglary and the lack of statistics on campus crime gathered either by educational authorities or municipal police departments. The deciding factor for school administrators for establishing campus security forces is often the ability of the city police to respond to campus crimes. An effective campus crime prevention program should include a written police statement which considers victims' rights, protocol for detectives and patrol officers coming to campus on official business, disciplinary measures, employee standards, security regulations, and emergency procedures. Police administrators can help their educational counterparts by encouraging the use of professional law enforcement personnel and by offering advice on alarm systems, landscaping and architectural designs, and other security measures.