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Kids and Drugs: A Handbook for Parents and Professionals

NCJ Number
J M Tobias
Date Published
125 pages
This handbook for parents and professionals discusses the drug culture, stages of chemical use, treatment, alcohol and other mind-altering drugs, prevention, and the formation of parent groups.
Throughout the book, the terms "chemicals," "drugs," and "chemical use" refer to tobacco, alcohol, and other mind-altering drugs. An overview of the evolution of the drug culture in America traces it from the 1960's through the 1980's. Attention is given to the adolescent drug culture and whether adolescent drug use tends to continue into adulthood. A chapter on adolescent chemical use covers stages in the progression of chemical use, the signs of drug use, the impact of drug use on other family members, and characteristics of intervention and treatment. A review of the characteristics and effects of mind-altering drugs includes sections on alcohol, marijuana, cocaine and other stimulants, inhalants, depressants, hallucinogens, PCP, narcotics, designer drugs, over-the-counter drugs, "look-alikes," anabolic steroids, and effects of drugs on the fetus. A chapter on family preventive influences is followed by a chapter on parent groups. The types of parent groups discussed are parent peer groups that focus on the prevention of and early intervention in chemical use through a close-knit parent support system; self-help support groups that provide care, support, and tools of recovery for the family of chemical users; and community action groups that work to reduce drug use in the community. 51 references, a resource section, and a subject index