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Key Influences on Youth Drug Use Described

NCJ Number
SAMHSA News Volume: 9 Issue: 2 Dated: Spring 2001 Pages: 20-21
Deborah Goodman
Date Published
2 pages
This article describes key influences on youth drug use.
A national study by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration reveals that peer use and peer attitudes are two of the strongest predictors of marijuana use among all young people. Conversely, a perception of strong antidrug attitudes appears to be a powerful inhibitor of drug use among close friends. While peer attitudes have more influence compared to parental attitudes, strong antidrug attitudes by parents are also one of the most powerful inhibitors of drug use. While the main focus of the article is on marijuana, the risk factors apply also to potential use of alcohol and tobacco. The data show uniformity regardless of substance or race/ethnicity in the patterns of association between substance use and risk and protective factors. The article concludes that the lack of detail in this study regarding information on intensity, frequency, timing, and appropriateness of prevention messages or conversations suggests the need for further analysis before any conclusions can be drawn. Figures