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Kentucky's Inmate College Program - The Program and the Participants

NCJ Number
D Riggs; J True
Date Published
29 pages
An investigation of Kentucky's inmate college program, in which eight of Kentucky's correctional facilities have offered college-level courses to inmates, involved collection of background, institutional, and postrelease information.
The college programs are basically of two types: onsite and study release. Through May 1980, 485 offenders had participated in the program. The study found that (1) there was wide variation in how the college program 'fits into' total institutional programming, (2) the cost to the Bureau of Corrections for supporting the collect program was relatively low, (3) females were overrepresented in the program, and (4) criminal histories of college participants were similar to the general population. The study also found that 40 percent of those for whom information was available continued college work after release and that there was a significant increase in the number of persons employed in skilled, semiprofessional, and professional jobs after release. Among recommendations offered is the suggestion that participants in the college program should receive prerelease counseling to help them enroll in a continuing education program following release whenever desired and appropriate. Charts and tables are provided. (Author abstract modified)