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Keeping Your Facility on the Fast Track

NCJ Number
Corrections Today Volume: 53 Issue: 2 Dated: (April 1991) Pages: 112,114
S E Dragan
Date Published
2 pages
Factory-constructed prison buildings offer several advantages to correctional systems seeking fast-track construction alternatives: buildings can be ready for occupancy quickly; structures can be designed for easy expansion or adapted to other uses; and a portion or the entire building can be removed from the site altogether.
Careful planning is essential and must consider the correctional staff and inmates who will use the facility. It is best to request design/build proposals from bidders to accomplish the fastest construction. A design/build contract may provide the opportunity to learn more about the different types of building systems in the prison marketplace. After the award of a contract, the building process can be kept moving by making all necessary decisions on time. The choice of a builder is an essential decision. It is necessary to research the company's financial situation and to understand the terms and conditions of any warranties the company offers.