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Keeping Schools Open as Community Learning Centers: Extending Learning in a Safe, Drug-Free Environment Before and After School

NCJ Number
Date Published
55 pages
This guidebook outlines the steps needed to convert a school into a community learning center, in which extended hours before and after school and during the summer provide students with the opportunities they need to learn and develop in an enriching, safe, and drug-free setting.
Before-school and after-school programs, as well as summer programs help youth stay on the right track by providing reading tutoring to younger children; mentors to guide older children through math and science courses to pave the way for college; and opportunities in the arts, sports, and recreation. In planning for the conversion of a school into a community learning center, this guidebook instructs readers in how to estimate typical costs. Options for meeting costs include user fees; accessing a mix of local, State, and Federal funding; seeking competitive public or private grants; undertaking partnerships with youth and community organizations, as well as private-sector sponsors; and arranging with parents, community members, and National Service participants to volunteer time. Guidance is also provided for developing a budget for a community learning center. Other topics discussed are the building of consensus and partnership, conducting a community assessment of needs and resources, designing an effective program, considering logistical issues, obtaining qualified staff, and evaluating a program's accomplishments. 25 references and appended detailed guidance