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Keeping Juvenile Delinquents in School - A Prediction Model

NCJ Number
Adolescence Volume: 22 Issue: 85 Dated: (Spring 1987) Pages: 45-57
R G Dunham; G P Alpert
Date Published
13 pages
The purpose of this study was to test an empirically based prediction model of school dropout on a sample of 137 juvenile delinquents, some who have dropped out and some who have remained in school.
The specific factors among the many found in previous research that are salient for predicting whether delinquent youths will drop out or remain in school were determined. An important finding of this study is that it required only four factors to yield a high level of prediction: misbehavior in school, disliking school, the negative influence of peers with respect to dropping out and getting into trouble, and a marginal or weak relationship with parents. The four factors identified create a model that is directly applicable to prevention strategies and is extremely parsimonious. (Publisher abstract)