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Karnataka Police Manual, 1965, Volume 2

NCJ Number
Date Published
778 pages
This second volume of the police manual for Karnataka, India, defines police officers' general responsibilities as well as specific procedures to be used in the investigation of particular offenses.
Routines for use in station houses are described. Techniques of surveillance and responsibilities for keeping the peace are identified. Procedures for collecting oral and documentary evidence are delineated. Powers and procedures related to searches and arrests are specified. Methods of dealing with cases involving unnatural and sudden deaths are discussed. Information is given on the investigation of a variety of specific offenses, including robbery, house breaking, theft, the use of firearms, counterfeit coins, poisons, offenses against animals, rape, gang and conspiracy cases, traffic accident cases, and fire accident cases. Scientific aids to crime detection are described. Other sections cover such topics as the prosecution of cases in court, fingerprints and photographs, and police radio communications. For the first and third volumes of the manual, see NCJ 66921 and 80641.


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