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Kansas Juvenile Justice Information System (KJJIS) - Annual Report, Calendar 1980

NCJ Number
M K Bledsoe
Date Published
87 pages
In 1980, 22,784 juvenile court referrals were reported by all 29 judicial districts in Kansas, reflecting a 1.2 percent increase over 1979.
'Larceny-other' was the most frequent delinquent/miscreant offense reported in 1980, while running away was the most common referral made in the status offense category. Juveniles referred as deprived showed the largest increase in 1980. Data also show trends in juvenile court referrals, the reason for referral, manner of handling, and demographic characteristics of referrals. Source of referral, care pending disposition, delinquent/miscreant referrals, a comparative analysis of selected variables, and additional data are provided. A map, 40 tables, 7 charts, a glossary of terms, and a copy of a juvenile court statistical card are included.