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Kansas Department of Corrections Statistical Profile, FY 1997 Offender Population

NCJ Number
Date Published
84 pages
This report presents statistics on adult offenders in the Kansas correctional system during fiscal year 1997 and describes the State's offender commitment and release trends, based on data in an online computerized offender information system.
The report graphically summarizes recent trends in population, commitment, and offender characteristics. It also covers population and capacity levels, admission to and release from custody, and the post-incarceration supervision population. The data reveal that the June 30, 1997 inmate population of 7,795 was about 38 percent greater than 10 years previously. The post-incarceration population of 5,546 was about double the size of the 1987 population. The inmate population increased by 340 and the post-incarceration population under in-state supervision increased by 121 during fiscal year 1997. The State had 4,913 admissions and 4,611 releases. The total inmate population was at 99 percent of the total capacity on June 30, 1997. Figures and tables