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Juveniles as Criminals - 1980 Statutes Analysis - An Analysis of State Statutes Governing Waiver of Juveniles to and From Criminal Court

NCJ Number
J L Hutzler
Date Published
41 pages
This is a tabular rendering of States' provisions for the waiver of juvenile cases for transfer to criminal court.
Information is presented alphabetically by State, indicating the presence or absence of statutes along with the conditions for transfer. Eight categories under which the conditions for transfer are explained are provided. The first of these categories ascertains if any provision for transfer exists, followed by the kind of discretion authorized: of the court, the prosecutor, or the child. Ages for which transfer is allowed, restriction to certain crimes, and whether mentally ill or retarded children may be transferred are subsequent categories. Information on the transfer hearing is subdivided under 'required,' 'with notice,' 'with right to counsel,' and 'with provisions for recording and transcript.' Other criteria for transfer include criteria outlined in the statute, nonamenability to treatment, need to protect society, and showing that the child did commit the act. The final category queries whether the court must give reasons for the transfer. A code identifying the dates through which legislation is current is appended.