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Juvenile Justice Treatment Planning Chart

NCJ Number
Date Published
8 pages
This juvenile justice drug treatment planning chart presents a simplified model of the flow of cases through a typical State juvenile justice system.
Considerations for status offenders, including abused, neglected, runaway, and homeless youth, are not incorporated in the chart in order to simplify the operating model of the juvenile justice system. The chart illustrates major decision points in the juvenile justice system where coordinated strategies for alcohol and other drug abuse treatment interventions may be applied--at intake, social investigation, factfinding hearing, adjudication, disposition, and aftercare. An understanding of the flow of the case handling process, from intake to release, is essential for coordination and linkage among and between treatment and juvenile justice systems. To develop comprehensive alcohol and other drug abuse treatment plans within the juvenile justice system, it is equally critical that addiction treatment components be understood. The operation of a State juvenile justice system is a complex process involving agencies and procedures designed to manage juvenile offenders and criminal behavior and to provide for the rehabilitative needs of juveniles. Most States have developed juvenile justice systems uniquely responsive to local or regional interests and needs. Therefore, some States and local jurisdictions may not use all features suggested in the chart, whereas others may use many more decision points and options for treating juveniles with addictive disorders. A glossary of terms used in the chart is included.