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Juvenile Detention and Correctional Facility Census of 1971

NCJ Number
Date Published
100 pages
This document describes the 1971 census of juvenile detention and correctional facilities, provides the codebook for the data set, and presents additional research information.

Facilities surveyed in the census include public correctional facilities, diagnostic and reception centers, detention centers, training schools, camps, halfway houses, and shelters. The census included 722 such facilities. Coding instructions are provided for study variables that cover location and type of facility; level of government responsible for the facility; agency type; resident population by age, sex, detention status, and offense; admissions and discharges; average length of stay; staffing and expenditures; age and capacity of facility; and programs and services. Appendixes define study terms, discuss data errors and problems, and list counties found in the data file. A copy of the questionnaire used to survey the facilities is appended.