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Juvenile Delinquency: Social Work Data (From Crime and Its Impact: A Study in a Black Metropolitan Area, P 302-327, 1990, J M Lotter, L B G Ndabandaba, et al, eds. -- See NCJ-129203)

NCJ Number
E N Chinkanda; M T Maphatane
Date Published
26 pages
This study examines social work data on institutionalized juvenile delinquents to obtain descriptive information on the nature, extent, and identifying characteristics of juvenile delinquency and juvenile delinquents from Umlazi and KwaMashu (South Africa); determines the nature of the behavioral problems of such youth; and examines whether any reconstruction services were undertaken on behalf of the families of the youth in the study.
Data were taken from social work files of Vuma Reform School for Boys and Ngwelezane Reform School for Girls. The sample consisted of 48 files of juvenile delinquents whose homes were in Umlazi and KwaMashu. The juvenile delinquents from Umlazi and KwaMashu were primarily illiterate boys whose major offenses were theft and housebreaking. Maternal deprivation, neglect, and inconsistent discipline were cited as problems in the families of the youths. There was virtually no contact between the parents and their institutionalized children, and the prognosis for rehabilitation in such cases is not good. 7 tables and 28 references