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Juvenile Crime in Wales -- Next Steps (From Young People and Crime Reduction: Exploring Practical Responses, P 8-10, 1990, See NCJ-129240)

NCJ Number
I Grist
Date Published
3 pages
The activities of the Welsh Home Office regarding crime prevention are described with particular focus on alternative treatments to juvenile residential care.
The ministerial group on crime prevention is chaired by the Minister of State at the Home Office and includes officials from 12 Government departments. The group oversees the National Crime Prevention program and conducts studies of criminality. The Welsh Office provides financial support to various crime prevention projects at the community level including unemployed, minorities, and miscellaneous social schemes. In addition, the Home Office developed intermediate treatment as a direct alternative to care or custody of juvenile offenders which incorporated more intensive community involvement. The use of residential care declined as did the use of custody. The focus for the future is on finding more effective means of handling difficult and disturbed youth as well as addressing the conditions which lead to juvenile crime.