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Juvenile Court Dispositions, 1991

NCJ Number
Date Published
40 pages
This report, a compilation of the data collected from Pennsylvania's juvenile probation departments, presents statistics on delinquency dispositions, delinquency placements, delinquent offenses, detention, demographics, and dependency dispositions.
There were approximately 31,000 delinquency-related dispositions during 1991, a 4.1 percent increase over the 1990 figure. Probation was the disposition used most frequently (22.3 percent) followed by informal adjustment (16.4 percent), placement (11.7 percent), consent decree (9.8 percent), warned/counseled (9.6 percent), complaint withdrawn (9.0 percent), other (4.6 percent), and dismissed not substantiated (4.5 percent). A total of 26,101 males and 4,713 females received dispositions for delinquency offenses in 1991.