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NCJ Number
Crime Trend Series Volume: 1 Issue: 3 Dated: (July 1993) Pages: complete issue
T M Green; J B Richmond; J E Taira
Date Published
8 pages
This issue of the Crime Trend Series provides a statistical comparison of juvenile arrests in Hawaii in the years 1980 and 1992.
Graphs show arrests by county, arrests by month, and demographic characteristics of arrestees. In 1980, 10,125 juveniles were arrested in Hawaii; in 1992, 18,856. This indicated an increase of 86.6 percent, while the number of juveniles living in the State increased by 1.6 percent. In both years, arrests for most types of offenses tended to decrease from June through August. In 1980, 37.1 percent of juvenile arrestees were under 15 years old; in 1992. 46.1 percent. In 1980, 2,774 juvenile arrestees were females; in 1992, 6,872. Between the two years, arrests for violent crimes increased by 112.9 percent. There were increases for forcible rape (138.5 percent), aggravated assault (140.0 percent), and simple assault (160.1 percent). Arrests declined for murder (25 percent), robbery (12.2 percent), burglary (12.9 percent), and larceny-theft (12.7 percent). The proportion that took place in the city and county of Honolulu decreased from 79.4 percent to 75.1 percent; the Hawaii County proportion increased from 8.2 percent to 12.0 percent, while the Maui and Kauai County proportions remained roughly the same. 6 graphs