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Justice Programs on Family Violence

NCJ Number
Date Published
49 pages
After explaining the mission and goals of the Federal Office of Justice Programs Family Violence Working Group (FVWG), this report presents a statement of the problem and reviews family violence programs in the Office of Justice Programs.
The mission of the FVWG is to provide a more prominent Office of Justice Programs focus on violent crime within the family through improved intra-agency and interagency information exchange, coordinated planning, and collaboration on projects. This mission is guided by legislation that authorizes the work of the Office of Justice Programs bureaus and offices and by legislation that targets family violence. The FVWG was established in November 1993 and is currently comprised of representatives from the six Office of Justice Programs bureaus and offices. A problem statement reviews the prevalence of family violence in the United States, including child abuse and neglect, spouse abuse, and abuse of the elderly within the family. A review of family violence programs in the Office of Justice Programs profiles the programs sponsored by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the National Institute of Justice, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, the Office for Victims of Crime, and the Violence Against Women Grants Office. Also included are lists of Office of Justice Programs' publications on family violence and Office of Justice Programs' family-violence contacts.


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