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Justice for Juveniles

NCJ Number
C E Springer
Date Published
27 pages
Proposed legislation for a justice model of Nevada juvenile courts covers purpose clauses, definitions, jurisdiction, dispositional reporting, the dispositional process, and transfer or certification proceedings.
The purpose clause specifies that juvenile courts settle civil controversies involving juveniles, protect juveniles, supervise problem juveniles, adjudicate minors accused of criminal offenses, and punish and rehabilitate juvenile offenders. The jurisdictional provision addresses civil versus delinquency jurisdiction and the age range over which the juvenile court has jurisdiction. The provision on reporting to the court addresses three phases: intake, disposition, and compliance with the court's disposition. The dispositional provision holds that although juveniles should not be punished as severely as adults who commit similar crimes, their dispositions should entail punishments and duties intended to modify deviant behavior. The provision for juvenile court waiver sets a standard for transfer based on justice and an objective standard of what the youth has done. After discussing each of the legislative provisions, legislation with a format and language exemplifying the proposals is presented. 19 footnotes.