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Justice Directory of Services

NCJ Number
Date Published
155 pages
This is a directory of Canadian justice services.
The directory contains address information for 15 Federal Government services, and Federal services within the provinces, such as courts, commissions, educational institutions, community services, forensic services, victim services, legal aid and ombudsmen: Alberta (n=13); British Columbia (n=13); Manitoba (n=11); New Brunswick (n=12); Newfoundland (n=10); Northwest Territories (n=7); Nova Scotia (n=13); Ontario (n=19); Prince Edward Island (=8); Quebec (n=21); Saskatchewan (n=13); and Yukon (n=9). In addition, it presents data on voluntary organizations/associations (aid to prisoners; judges and magistrates; lawyers; police; social action, information and research; training -- criminal justice services; and mediation/conciliation).