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Justice Department Focuses on White-Collar Crime - Promises and Pitfalls

NCJ Number
Crime and Delinquency Volume: 30 Issue: 1 Dated: (January 1984) Pages: 107-119
D R Simon; S L Swart
Date Published
13 pages
The FBI's new focus on white-collar crime is a topic of major concern to criminologists interested in the study of white-collar criminality.
Despite the bureau's change in priorities, there are very important questions left unanswered about both the goals set and means employed in this new emphasis. We need to know specifics regarding (1) the FBI's definitions of white-collar criminality; (2) the percentage of FBI resources being devoted to white-collar crime; (3) the nature of the white-collar crime cases being investigated; and (4) the manner in which such cases are being investigated. The goal of this article is to differentiate what we know from what we do not know about these matters and then to indicate what types of future studies must be undertaken to gain the answers to questions regarding the FBI's emphasis in this area. (Author abstract)


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