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Justice, Crime and Ethics

NCJ Number
M C Braswell, B R McCarthy, B J McCarthy
Date Published
418 pages
Eighteen chapters examine various issues related to ethical practices in policing, the courts, corrections, criminal justice research, and crime control policy.
The introductory section contains two chapters that survey philosophical theories pertinent to criminal justice ethics and the search for an ethical pathway between the conflicting values of individual rights and social utility. Three chapters on ethical issues in policing address deception by police, the abuse of police authority, and learning police ethics. In the section on ethics and the courts, two chapters address the practice of law (ethics in the adversarial system and prosecutorial misbehavior), and three chapters discuss ethical issues in sentencing, notably the effort to make punishment fit the crime. Three chapters on ethical issues in corrections consider moral development and corrections, prison corruption and its control, and ethical issues in probation and parole. Remaining sections contain chapters on ethical issues in criminal justice research and crime control policy, as well as a criminal justice ethic for the future. Chapter notes, questions and scenarios, and a subject index