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Justice and Prisons (From Statistical Yearbook of the Netherlands, 1980, P 369-388, 1980)

NCJ Number
Date Published
20 pages
This article presents tabular and graphic data and a brief discussion of crime and justice statistics (1970 through 1979) from the Netherlands. Statistics are based on data gathered by the Dutch Central Bureau of Statistics.
Tables present data on crimes known to the police, on incidences of shoplifting, on criminal cases dealt with by the courts, on sentencing, on offender classification, and on penalties imposed. Other information is provided on offender extradition, prison populations, children placed under supervision, police and court personnel, cases of suicide, and bankruptcies. Overall, there were 265,732 crimes known to the police in 1970 and 622,390 in 1979. A total of 87,620 persons over age 18 were suspected of a crime in 1970 and 154,840 in 1979; 25,818 persons under 18 years were suspected of crimes in 1970 and 41,355 in 1979. There were 8,779 persons suspected of shoplifting in 1979, 75 extraditions granted by the Netherlands during the same year, and 1,458 suicides committed in 1978.


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