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Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program Implementation Science Checklist Series - Step 5: Sustain the Evidence-Based Practice

NCJ Number
Date Published
March 2021
2 pages

This fifth of eight checklists for implementing an evidence-based criminal justice and mental health collaboration program addresses ways to sustain an evidence-based practice (EBP).


An introductory comment notes that it is important for agencies to continue implementing EBPs so they can achieve the outcomes they envision, such as reduced recidivism and behavioral health recovery. There are six components of the checklist. The first component involves monitoring implementation benchmarks for the EBP to determine whether it has been performing as expected within the past year. The second component involves identifying features of the EBP that have produced positive outcomes, as well as areas requiring continued improvement. The third component of the checklist is the identification of resources needed for the full implementation of the EBP, such as space, staffing, and training improvements. The fourth component of the checklist is a revisiting of the logic model for implementation of the EBP to determine whether the logic model needs changing based on lessons learned from the EBP’s implementation. The fifth component of the checklist is refinement of the process for implementing the EBP to improve its effects. The sixth component of the checklist is a reassessment of the process and performance measures for the EBP to determine whether they are appropriate or realistic. For each of the six components, suggestions are outlined for performing it. 5 annotated listings of resources