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Justice - 24th Annual Report, June 1981

NCJ Number
Date Published
45 pages
The 24th annual report (June 1981) of Justice, a British organization of lawyers devoted to upholding the principles of justice and the right to a fair trial, is presented.
Justice not only pursues the strengthening of the just rule of law in the territories for which the British Parliament is directly or ultimately responsible but also cooperates with any national or international body which pursues the objectives of Justice. During the past year, Justice's committee, which is conducting a wide-ranging review of administrative law, completed a discussion paper for circulation to interested parties. A number of memoranda have also been submitted to official committees. These include a memorandum on the Reform of the Public Order Act, a critical appraisal of the Triennial Review Report of the Police Complaints Board, a memorandum to the Department of Trade strongly criticizing its proposal to abolish the office of the Official Receiver in Bankruptcy, and answers to a Law Commission Questionnaire on Financial Relief after Foreign Divorce. The aforementioned are summarized in this report. Justice's Committee on British Nationality, with the support of the Executive Committee, has been active in pressing on the Government's objections to the British Nationality bill now on its way through Parliament. Since last October, three new committees have been established. One is examining every aspect of prisoners' rights, a second is exploring the adequacy of existing remedies for complaints of maladministration in the courts, and a third is formulating reforms in civil procedure. The recommendations of the Royal Commission on Criminal Procedure are examined at some length in this report. Justice publications are listed. (Author summary modified)