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Judiciary State of Hawaii Annual Report, July 1, 1994 to June 30, 1995

NCJ Number
Date Published
43 pages
Following a review of Hawaii's judiciary as of December 1995, this annual report presents information and data on Hawaii's appellate courts, trial courts, and court financial resources.
A review of the status of Hawaii's judiciary, presented by the Chief Justice of Hawaii's Supreme Court, considers budget reduction and the Executive Planning Team process as well as progress in the courts. The latter discussion focuses on the appellate court backlog, the use of alternative dispute resolution in the courts, plans for drug courts, video arraignments, the civil calendar, and the criminal felony backlog. Other topics addressed are the DUI (driving under the influence) backlog, the elimination of the domestic violence backlog, the "no bounce" rule amendment, judicial training, the judicial performance program, and judicial salaries. Information and data on appellate courts provide caseload summaries for all appellate courts and caseload summaries for the Supreme Court, intermediate court of appeals, land court, and tax appeal court. Information on the Supreme Court and the intermediate court of appeals also includes information on justices and their terms. Caseload summaries and information on judges and their terms are also provided for trial courts, which include circuit courts, family courts, and district courts. Information on per diem judges is provided for the district courts. Information on financial resources addresses expenditures by source of funding; sources and amounts of revenue with disposition of revenue; disposition of revenue; total State government appropriations from the State General Fund and the State Capital Project Fund; and State General Fund appropriations by judicial circuits and statewide operation, by court element, and by cost category. 26 tables