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Judicial Performance Evaluation Comes of Age

NCJ Number
State Court Journal Volume: 16 Issue: 1 Dated: (Winter 1992) Pages: 4-13
S Keilitz; J W McBride
Date Published
10 pages
During the last 15 years, judicial performance evaluation programs have evolved into powerful tools for improving the administration of justice through their ability to provide meaningful and useful feedback on performance factors such as a judge's knowledge and application of the law, handling of parties, and communication and administrative skills.
The first programs were developed in Alaska and New Jersey. Currently, six States and the courts of the Navajo Nation operate such programs, and eight States are actively developing them. The programs can be grouped into four categories based on their goals; their administrative structure; their information sources; and how information was shared with judges, the public, or others. The programs operating or in development in Alaska, Colorado, Minnesota, and New Jersey illustrate these four models. As additional evaluation techniques are refined and included, judicial evaluation programs will become more effective. Notes and chart