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Judicial District Data Book (United States), 1983

NCJ Number
Date Published
23 pages
After a brief description of the methodology of a study that collected data on Federal judicial districts from the 1983 U.S. census, this report describes the study files and presents a data dictionary.
The study's three data files were compiled from the Census Bureau's 1983 County and City Data Book. The data, which are summarized by judicial units, were taken from a county-level file that includes information on area and population, households, vital statistics, health, income, crimes, housing, education, labor force, government finances, manufacturers, wholesale and retail trade, service industries, and agriculture. The first file, which provides data for Federal judicial districts, has 92 cases; the second file, Federal administrative divisions, has 204 cases; and the third file, Federal jury divisions, has 320 cases. The description of the files encompasses file structure, size, and sort sequence; the data dictionary; and technical conventions.