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Judicial Council of the Supreme Court of Louisiana, Annual Report 1993

NCJ Number
R W Stritzinger; N C Chachere; R M DiVincenti; G G Pilie; F J Demarest III; P J Tumminello
P H Holahan
Date Published
42 pages
The 1993 annual report of Louisiana's Judicial Council provides narrative and statistical information on the Louisiana Supreme Court, courts of appeal, district courts, and city and parish courts.
Activities of the Judicial Council in 1993 focused on judgeships, computer-integrated courtrooms, uniform reporting of juvenile statistics, State district court surveys, women in the courts, cameras in trial courts, justices of the peace, the Louisiana Judicial College, and the Louisiana Judiciary Commission. The annual report contains a roster of district court judges and clerks and a list of city and parish court judges and court locations. A statistical appendix to the report provides data on trends in Louisiana Supreme Court, district court, and court of appeal activities between 1991 and 1993. The appendix also presents data on the number of appeals filed and pending, court of appeal opinions, time between appeal filing and disposition, juvenile delinquency, traffic offenses, and civil and criminal cases processed by city and parish courts. Maps of Louisiana's judicial districts and a chart depicting the State's court structure are included.