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Judicial Administration to the 21st Century

NCJ Number
Public Administration Review Volume: 45 Dated: special issue (November 1985) Pages: 679-685
M W Cannon
Date Published
7 pages
After a brief history of American court administration leadership, this article identifies important management challenges that face judicial administrators in the 21st century and offers some ideas for dealing with them.
Among the leaders highlighted are Roscoe Pound, William Howard Taft, Charles Evans Hughs, Arthur T. Vanderbilt, Tom C. Clark, and Warren E. Burger. The article focuses on five continuing challenges that confront court administrators: caseload growth, a trend toward more complex cases, discovery abuse and frivolous litigation, lessening interest in judgeships among attorneys, and trends in criminal justice toward increased prison populations and services for victims. Among the solutions suggested by the author are increased alternative forms of dispute resolution, greater specialization among judges, higher filing fees with a waiver in the case of indigents, higher salaries for judges, and more alternatives to incarceration. 43 footnotes.


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