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JTPA (Job Training Partnership Act) Summer Youth Employment Program, 1997

NCJ Number
L I Morgenbesser
Date Published
22 pages
This report provides an overview of the New York State Department of Correctional Services' participation in the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) Summer Youth Employment Program in 1997.
Under Title II-B of the JTPA, Federal funding is provided for a Summer Youth Employment Program. Under this section of the act, eligible persons (based primarily on income criteria) under 22 years old are given work experience and are trained in a variety of pre-employment and work-maturity skills. In the Department of Correctional Services' implementation of this program each year, every effort is made to secure employee union participation and endorsement. During the initial year of the Department's participation (1984), seven facilities were training sites for 15 participants. This report presents the responses of correctional facility administrators to the annual questionnaire on their participation in the program in 1997. The survey findings show that after record high numbers of participants in 1992-94, the number of participants decreased in 1995 to 77, followed by 74 during 1996 and 72 during 1997. In 1997, 22 facilities participated in the program. The facility with the largest number of participants was Queensboro (11), followed by Lincoln (9), Woodbourne (8), Sullivan (5), and Washington (5). This number of participating facilities is not very different from that of the two prior years, when the annual totals were 20. Of the 72 program participants during 1997, 60 (83 percent) satisfactorily completed the program, and 12 (17 percent) were unsatisfactory. 6 tables and appended selected verbatim comments from facilities that did and did not participate in the program