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Joy or a Hassle: Child Health Care in a Multi-Ethnic Society

NCJ Number
Children and Society Volume: 4 Issue: 2 Dated: (Summer 1990) Pages: 197-224
B Mayall
Date Published
28 pages
Drawing on data from a qualitative study of 33 British multi-ethnic households and 28 health visitors, this article explores mothers' perspectives on child care.
The study focuses on the extent to which the mothers shared common perspectives of their children and their care. It concludes that in spite of their ethnic differences, the women have similar priorities, concerns, and perspectives on childcare and childhood. The data indicate, however, that there are important differences among the women in their opportunities and capacities to reach their goals for themselves and their children. Variables determining the degree to which the women attain personal and family goals include knowledge, skill, and strategic personal contacts. These factors are related to access to financial resources. White, indigenous, middle-class mothers have the advantage in these areas. The wide range of household types and lifestyles represented in the sample suggests that social policies and services must be flexible to meet the differing needs of families and their children. Consideration should be given to national schemes that facilitate parents' working part time and taking substantial time off from work to care for children and their various needs. 20 references


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