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Joining the Front Line Against HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus): An Education Program for Adult Probationers

NCJ Number
AIDS Education and Prevention Volume: 4 Issue: 3 Dated: (Fall 1992) Pages: 205-218
A J Lurigio; J Petraitis; B R Johnson
Date Published
14 pages
This article describes the implementation and evaluation of a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) education program for adult offenders.
Samples of Cook County (Chicago) probationers were educated about either HIV or heart disease in small groups and in one-on-one sessions. The evaluation used a 2 x 2 factorial design with four groups: those who received HIV education in small groups (27), those who received HIV education in private sessions (24), those who received heart disease education in small groups (23), and those who received heart disease education in private sessions (25). Data were collected during a pretest, posttest, and followup. Evaluation results showed that offenders' knowledge of HIV had increased significantly at posttest and followup. This knowledge increase, however, had little impact on behavioral intentions at posttest or on actual prevention behaviors at followup. Despite the paucity of behavioral changes, the intervention should not be deemed a failure. The sessions were successful in modifying short- term condom use, which may be more amenable to influence than needle sharing or HIV testing. Given the problematic interrelationships among knowledge, intentions, and behavior, this study provides only a preliminary and descriptive examination of these variables. Subsequent research should use multivariate models that explain the linkages among factors that affect HIV-related protective practices. 6 tables and 49 references


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