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Job Jumping in Corporate Security

NCJ Number
Security World Volume: 29 Issue: 9 Dated: (September 1985) Pages: 43-46
K Lydon
Date Published
5 pages
This article examines salaries, employment opportunities, and job-seeking strategies in the field of corporate security.
In recent years, salaries for security managers have increased dramatically, with $40,000 now being the mid-range in the profession. While job availability fluctuates with the economy, growing concern with computer crime has contributed to enormous growth in the field of information security. Other growth areas have been in banking and defense. In searching for a job, the candidate should use a variety of resources: classified advertising, referrals from professional and personal contacts, word-of-mouth, and placement services. Switching from one field to another (e.g., from industrial to retail) may be difficult and will require familiarizing oneself with the jargon and demands of the new area, assessing relative strengths and weaknesses, and emphasizing more general skills such as loss prevention and management. One of the most important aspects of job-hunting is the cover letter and resume. They must be carefully structured to arouse interest, provide information, and should present a balance of detail.


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