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Jail Profile Survey Results, 1996, 1st Quarter Survey Results

NCJ Number
Date Published
3 pages
This report presents jail statistics for California for the first quarter of 1996.
The report also presents projected totals based on the monthly and quarterly data submitted by the jurisdictions participating in the survey. Trend data are also given for data tracked over the last 10 years. The analysis revealed that projected total for the highest 1-day count was 74,259 jail inmates. The projected average daily population was 71,117. The inmates included 49,439 felony offenders and 21,679 misdemeanants. An average of 6,544 offenders received pretrial release per month due to lack of space, and an average of 16,919 were released early per month due to lack of space. The jails held 3,661 inmates who were 2-strike inmates and 2,709 inmates who were 3-strike inmates. The average daily population is about the same as it was in the last quarter of 1995. This finding does not accurately reflect the need for jail space, because more than 20,000 people per month are not incarcerated or are released early due to the lack of jail space. The average length of stay for the quarter was 20.9 days. Tables