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Jail Inmates, 1990

NCJ Number
J J Stephan; L W Jankowski
Date Published
12 pages
This report presents statistics on jail inmates from the Annual Survey of Jails, conducted on June 29, 1990.

At mid-year 1990, local jails in the United States held an estimated 405,320 persons, a 2.5-percent increase from 1989. Overall jail occupancy was 104 percent of the rated capacity of the Nation's jails. The average daily jail population for the year ending June 29, 1990, was 408,075, a 5.5-percent increase since 1989. Males constituted 91 percent and females 9 percent of all jail inmates. Whites were 51 percent of the local jail population; blacks, 47 percent; and other races, 2 percent of those inmates reporting race; Hispanics were 14 percent of all inmates. Unconvicted inmates constituted 51 percent of the adults being held in jails. Jails were operating at 104 percent of capacity in 1990, down from 108 percent in 1989. Data are also provided on jails under court order to limit population and on inmate deaths. 9 tables