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Jail Classification System Development Document: Guidelines for Developing, Implementing and Revising an Objective Classification System

NCJ Number
J F Austin; S C Baird
Date Published
81 pages
This manual presents guidelines for developing and implementing an objective jail classification system.
Objective inmate classification systems use standardized screening instruments and assessment tools to determine inmates' custody and program needs. Before presenting the steps involved in developing and implementing an objective jail classification system, this manual discusses the advantages of an objective jail classification system, issues in implementing such a system, and recent approaches to objective classification. The guidelines for developing and implementing a jail inmate classification system involve 14 steps. The first step pertains to the decision to adapt an objective jail classification system, followed by measures to secure the commitment of top agency personnel and the selection of project planning staff. The fourth step involves the identification of the role of classification system planners, and the fifth step consists of developing goals and objectives for the system. The next three steps pertain to the appointment of an advisory group, the identification of legal issues, and the preparation of the adaptation plan. Remaining steps consist of the revision of classification instruments and instructions, the preparation of an implementation plan, the pilot testing of the system, the development of classification policies and procedures, staff training, and ongoing evaluation and review of the system. Appended sample forms and scales and a decision-tree classification system