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Jackson County Jail Report - 1985 Confinements

NCJ Number
Date Published
17 pages
Data tables, charts, and narrative summary describe the characteristics of the 832 confinements of offenders in the Jackson county Jail (Wisconsin) during 1985.
The report also compares the 1985 confinements with those from previous years. Statistics cover the time of admission, time served, average daily population, gender, race, age, served, average daily population, gender, race, age, charges, inmates confined 4 or more days, and drunk driving violators. The admission patterns and inmate characteristics resembled those found in other Wisconsin county jails, although the percentage of American Indian confinements was above the State average. Total confinements rose in 1985, but a decline in average days served led to a slight decline in the average daily population. Transfers of inmates to other county jails due to overcrowding also affected the statistics.