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Issues of Justice: An Introduction to Law

NCJ Number
M Gibney
Date Published
268 pages
Using a variety of classic and modern controversial court cases, this study explores the concepts of justice as liberty, justice as equality, and justice as community.
The court cases reviewed were decided by a range of courts -- the U.S. Supreme Court, Federal courts, and State courts -- and cover a wide range of law areas. Part I addresses cases that focus on the freedoms granted individuals in the United States and restrictions on freedom in the interest of social order. Topics covered include reproduction and abortion, euthanasia, sexuality, search and seizure, and "victimless" crimes. Part II, which focuses on Justice as equality, addresses the issues of equal opportunity and political equality, welfare, affirmative action and reverse discrimination, workers and their worth, and consumers. Part III, which deals with justice as community, considers the definition of "community," crime and punishment, justice and lawyers, justice between generations and among political subdivisions, and justice beyond national borders. A table of cases


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