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Issues Affecting Federal, State, and Local Efforts to Combat Drug Trafficking and Drug Abuse

NCJ Number
Date Published
78 pages
As a result of frustration expressed by the local narcotics law enforcement, prevention, and treatment communities, the House Select Committee conducted surveys in 1983 and held hearings on the Federal drug control strategy at five sites in 1984.
From these, a pattern emerged showing marked differences between the Federal perspective and that of State and local agencies. Results suggest that local and State agencies do not feel the Government is fulfilling its responsibilities in stemming the influx of internationally cultivated and manufactured narcotics. Further, communities were found to be having difficulty in finding the resources to bring to justice traffickers, cultivators, and manufacturers. Overall, results suggest a need for greater communication, cooperation, and coordination between the Federal Government and State and local agencies and organizations to ensure that they do not have to bear the brunt of treatment, education, detection, interdiction, and eradication alone. Summaries of the hearings and surveys are provided together with recommendations and conclusions. Results of surveys conducted at Florida and national law enforcement conferences are appended.