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Israel Police - Annual Report, 1979

NCJ Number
Date Published
63 pages
The 1979 annual report presents information about the work of the Israeli police.
Narrative sections describe specific areas of activity, including investigations and intelligence, criminal identification, internal security, road traffic control, research and development, public complaints, and others. In addition, criminal activity and juvenile delinquency are reviewed. Numerous statistical tables are concerned with such subjects as crime in Israel, offenses against property, willful damage and arson, stolen vehicles, and traffic and road accidents. In summary, the police handled 230,622 criminal cases in 1979 -an increase of 8.1 percent over 1978. Of these, property offenses made up 78.8 percent; public order offenses, 7.3 percent; offenses against human life, 0.1 percent; offenses against the person, 5.4 percent; fraud offenses, 5.4 percent; and offenses against morality, 1.3 percent. Compared to 1978, road accidents decreased by 14.3 percent, casualties by 14.5 percent, and fatalities by 8.1 percent. These decreases are attributed to a campaign to educate the public, increased law enforcement measures, introduction of new equipment, and changes in the organizational arrangement. Internal security operations rose by 85 percent as compared with 1978, and police demolition squads dealt with about 60,000 incidents. Photographs and tables are included.