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Israel National Police Annual Report 1993

NCJ Number
Date Published
79 pages
This report summarizes the activities of the Israel National Police during 1993 and notes that one of the main efforts was to recruit, train, and activate some 2,000 new police officers.
The additional personnel were used to complete the special patrol units system, reinforce police stations and specific units, create a system to address car thefts, and deploy the network of police representatives overseas. Other efforts were to assist drug law enforcement, improve police deployment in Jerusalem, reorganize the national units for the investigation of fraud and serious crimes, and establish border guard platoons in the administered territories. Other tasks of the police this year were to acquire and operate an automated fingerprint identification system, change the mainframe computer, and reorganize the system for carrying out court orders. Priorities for 1994 include traffic accidents, drug law enforcement, transition to a 5-day work week, deployment of the civil guard in the administered territories, and enactment of a new police law. Tables and photographs